دورتان في مهارات التواصل العلمي

Two courses in scientific communication skills

Training toolkit for the electronic portal on the social impact of scientific research in/from the Arab world (Athar) (https://atharportal.net)

Training Goals:

Developing public speaking skills in academic contexts Training on understanding and applying methods and techniques of dialogue and communication Improving your abilities in the art of communication

Scientific Communication with Society

Sana Richa
PhD in French Language and Literature, specialized in discourse analysis, at Saint Joseph University in Beirut
Sari Hanafi
Professor of Sociology at the American University of Beirut
Founder and Director of Athar Portal

First Section: Introduction

Second Section: Writing Opinion Pieces

Third Section: From Thesis to Book

Training course in oral academic communication

Dr. Abir Ward
Professor of Languages, Boston University, USA

First Part

  • Develop and organize the speech
  • Formulate a plan
  • Develop the main idea
  • Generate and preview the main ideas
  • Methods and types of communication
  • Identify and review the speech
  • Integrate verbal signals
  • Present and conclude the speech
  • The art of oratory

Second Part

  • Reading the text versus improvisation
  • The speaker's language and style
  • Speaking with listeners according to their academic or intellectual level

Third Part

  • Improve presentation techniques
  • Apply confidence-building techniques

Fourth Part

  • Speak at special occasions
  • Use effective presentation tools