
Prof Samir F Matar is a confirmed scientist in different fields ranging from Solid State Physics and Chemistry to Molecular sciences at both experimental (patent) and theoretical levels (semi-empirical and density functional theory DFT quantum computational methods). He is specialist of High Pressure Science (gas, liquid, solid); Magnetism; Super fast ionic conductors; Tansition metal complexes and chelates (in physiological medium), etc. He’s author of books of undergraduate and graduate courses (Solid State Physics/band structure, interband and intraband magnetism, intermetallic alloys, Inorganic Chemistry… ) and published scientific results in high ranking periodicals: > 339 papers; H index 38; i10 index 145 –cf. accounts of Samir F MATAR in Google Scholar, Research Gate-. Until 2017 Samir F Matar was with the University of Bordeaux France and French CNRS and left France to become President of the Lebanese German University. Mission: promote cooperation with Lebanese universities and international academic dimension (international projects as Erasmus+., PHC-CEDRE, CNRSL-AUF, …); endeavor to keep high standards of academic teaching at LGU. Distinctions: ‘Palmes acadelmiques’ from French Governement; Career in Science Excellence Award (LAAS-Lebanon).



Experimental and theoretical assessment of mechanisms of Bacterial Pathology

In bacterial pathology, metallophores fabricated by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are exported to surrounding physiological media via a specific process to sequester and import metals, resulting in enhanced virulence of the bacteria. While these mechanisms are und ..