Nasser Yassin

Sociology & Anthropology

Nasser Yassin is an Associate Professor of Policy and Planning & Chairperson of the Health Management & Policy Department at the American University of Beirut (AUB). He was the Director of Research of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs between 2014-2020 & served as the Institute's Interim Director in 2019-2020. He founded in 2020 & currently leading the Lebanon Crisis Observatory to track the repercussions of the crises & to provide evidence and systematic analysis of various facets of the crises hitting the country. He co-chairs the AUB4Refugees Initiative that brings together faculty in AUB responding to refugee crises.



Poverty Alleviation and Women Refugees in the Middle East: Empowerment through Grassroots Micro-Entrepreneurship?

Contemporary political volatility within the Middle East region has led to far reaching socio-economic upheaval and strife with a devastating impact generating mass displacement of Iraqi, Palestinian, and Syrian refugees to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey (UNCHR, 2014). In their host nations, these displ ..