
Scientist. Studied Math, Physcis and Chemistry at the Lebanese University back in 1973-1975, then left to France at 19 because of the war in Lebanon. At the University of Bordeaux I carried on my studies, majoring in Physcial Chemistry (B.Sc/ M.Sc) then went on to Ph.D. venture. From purely experimentalist I turned to computations very early and started modeling properties of fast ionic conductors under the guidance of Professor Richard CATLOW at UCL-London. I learned a lot with Dr Jean-Maurice REAU on fluorides as ionic conductors and he was my supervisor for the two Ph.D.'s (one in Chemistry 1982 and a second -big- one, Doctorat d'Etat in Physical Science Oct.83. I am specialist of High Pressure Science thanks to late (+ Nov.2017) Professor Gérard DEMAZEAU (University of Bordeaux-France). Besides a large education experience for undergraduates and graduates, from 1985 until now I have been working with the French National research Center CNRS at ICMCB-Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux- and retired lately at the high grade of DR1 to become President of Lebanese German University in Lebanon LGU (September 2017). I have a confirmed expertise in scientific fields for having carried out research, published papers and books for higher education, acquired patents and taught at graduate and undergraduate levels: •Materials Science Research (Material Forschung): experiment and theory & multi-scale and multidisciplinary approaches. • Quantum Physics Theory (specialist of DFT quantum theory; computer codes written). •Spectroscopies (vibrational I.R. & Raman, absorption, deep electron specs, ….) •Solid state physics & chemistry. •Magnetism in the Solid & in the Molecules •Synthesis methods in solid state chemistry (chimie douce & high temperatures). •Solid state ionics (solid electrolytes, ionic conductors).•High pressure syntheses and characterizations (gas, liquid, solid). •Spin Crossover Transition metal molecular complexes.•Hydrides for energy storage (Renewable Energy). •Science of molecules of medical interest.…



Nouveaux matériaux pour l’Energie Renouvelable

Les carburants fossiles (pétrole, charbon et gaz naturel) qui répondent en majeur partie à la demande d’énergie primaire dans le monde sont des ressources en voie d’épuisement. La conjoncture économique actuelle prend en considération cette crise qui requiert des solutions rapides et efficaces. De p ..