Phase V: Sustain and Strengthen TAMAM Movement for School-Based Improvement in the Arab World

Project description

TAMAM is a project that combines research with development to bring about and support school based initiatives for sustainable school improvement. It aims to build a home-grown theoretical understanding of effective and sustainable school reform that improves students’ learning and is grounded in evidence and in the cultural context of the Arab region. Funded by the Arab Thought Foundation, TAMAM was launched in 2007 on the basis of a memorandum of understanding signed between the Foundation and the American University of Beirut. To get more information about TAMAM’ s Phases, Vision, and Mission.

TAMAM’s Vision Statement: TAMAM is a continuously expanding and developing network of Arab educators and educational institutions aiming at: (1) building leadership capacities for change, and (2) integrating and sustaining the school based improvement culture in educational institutions dedicated to school reform. Its members are committed lifelong learning and sustainable improvement of their practices to serve student learning through in collaboration with other practitioners in their institutions, local communities, university academicians and policy makers at the national, Arab and international levels.

TAMAM’s Mission Statement: TAMAM is an educational movement that triggers and supports school based improvement initiatives to achieve sustainable school improvement. It aims at improving student learning to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the 21st century. TAMAM combines research with development to bring about and support school based initiatives for sustainable school improvement. It also aims to build a home-grown theoretical understanding of effective school reform that is grounded in evidence and in the cultural context of the Arab region. Consequently, TAMAM seeks to change practitioners’ conceptual frameworks and professional beliefs and transform schools to professional learning communities with adaptive and self-renewing structures.


First name Last name Gender Rank Affiliated Institution Country
Dr. Rima Karami Female Associate Professor American University of Beirut Lebanon

Bio: Rima Karami Akkary is an Associate professor of Educational Administration, Policy and Leadership in the Department of Education at the American University in Beirut, and the program advisor for the Educational Management and Leadership program. She holds a Bachelor in Science, Diploma for teaching science at the secondary level, and Master of Arts in Science Education from the American University of Beirut (AUB), and a Doctorate in Education from Portland State University with a specialty in [K-12] Educational Administration and Supervision with a focus on school principalship, organizational change and educational policy. She is a co-principal investigator and leads the professional development activities in the TAMAM project- a joint project of the Arab Thought Foundation and the American University of Beirut to initiate and research school based reform in 26 schools around Lebanon, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, and Qatar. In addition she has designed and conducted many professional development activities for school principals and supervisors, both independently and as part of large scale reform initiatives. She has published in international and local journals on the principal role, approaches to professional development, program and organizational level evaluation, and models for school-based reform.



Scientific field


Start Year


End Year


Funding Agency

Funding Agency Funding Agency Type Country of Funding Agency
Arab Thought Foundation (ATF) Foundation Lebanon

Social impact

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