Employing eHealth to Enhance Equity in Access to and Quality of Chronic Care Services in Primary Hea ..

Project description

Assess the effect of selected low-cost eHealth tools on diabetes/hypertension detection and referrals rates in rural settings and refugee camps in Lebanon and explore the barriers to showing-up to scheduled appointments at Primary Healthcare Centers (PHC).

Community-based screening for diabetes and hypertension was conducted in five rural and three refugee camp PHCs using an eHealth netbook application. Remote referrals were generated based on pre-set criteria. A phone survey was subsequently conducted to assess the rate and causes of no-shows to scheduled appointments. Associations between the independent variables and the outcome of referrals were then tested.

Among 3481 screened individuals, diabetes, hypertension, and comorbidity were detected in 184,356 and 113 per 1000 individuals, respectively. 37.1% of referred individuals reported not showing-up to scheduled appointments, owing to feeling better/symptoms resolved (36.9%) and having another obligation (26.1%). The knowledge of referral reasons and the employment status were significantly associated with appointment show-ups.

Low-cost eHealth netbook application was deemed effective in identifying new cases of NCDs and establishing appropriate referrals in underserved communities.


First name Last name Gender Rank Affiliated Institution Country
Mohamad Alameddine Male American University of Beirut Lebanon




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