Research on the emergence of the BDS movement دراسة حركة مقاطعة إسرائيل بي دي اس

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The doctoral and post-doctoral research on the emergence of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel (BDS). It is supposed to be published in a book, and it deals with different dimensions: the way a national-global movement emerges, the prioritization of certain norms and geographical routes, the national sociological composition of the core group and its effects on strength and weakness of a movement in diverse geographies, how cycles of protest inform each other’s but also with distinctions in each cycle, how Israelis participated in the movement and how their role are perceived, how the movement deals with important Arab questions such as change and sectarian and political polarization, and aspects of the movement’s achievements and limitations.

هدف بحث الدكتوارة وما بعد الدكتوارة الى دراسة نشوء حركة مقاطعة إسرائيل، وسحب الاستثمارات منها وفرض العقوبات عليها (المعروفة باسم بي دي اس). ومن النقاط التي يحللها البحث الذي يفترض ان ينشر في كتاب: طريقة تشكل حركة وطنية معولمة، أولوية قيم ومسارات جغرافية، التشكيل الاجتماعي للمجموعات الأساسية في الحركة وتأثير ذلك على فعالية الحركة في جغرافيات مختلفة، كيف تغذي موجات الاحتجاج إحداها الأخرى ولكن بتمايزات في كل موجة، مشاركة الإسرائيلييين في الحركة ونظرة الحركة إليهم، طريقة تعامل الحركة مع أسئلة عربية مثل التغيير والاستقطابات الطائفية والسياسية، وملامح من انجازات الحركة ومحدوديتها.

الباحثون الرئيسيون

الاسم الأول اسم العائلة الجنس الرتبة المؤسسة الدولة
عمرو Amro سعدالدين Sadeldeen Female باحث مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية لبنان

Bio: Born on 19/1/1975
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel: +96176725517 (Beirut)
Palestinian & Jordanian

PhD Doctor of Political and Social Sciences from Université Libre de Bruxelles and Political Science and Thought from Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome; joint doctoral Erasmus mundus GEM PhD scholarship, Oct. 2012- April 2016.
M.A. American University of Beirut (Urban Planning and Policy), 2009.
B. A. American University of Beirut (Political Studies), 1998.

Research Experience
Research fellow at the Institute of Palestine Studies (May 2017- )
Co-researcher (with Prof. Yassir Munif/ Emerson College; Boston) on the Syrian displacement and governance experience; a grant by the Arab Council for Social Sciences.
Secretary-editor for the Journal of Palestine Studies (the Arabic Journal); the Institute for Palestine Studies, Lebanon (5 April 2011 - Sep. 2012).
Researcher and planner, Nahr el Bared Reconstruction Commission for Civil Action and Studies in partnership with the United Nations Relief and Work Agency, North Lebanon (Oct. 2009- April 2010).
Researcher then Research coordinator, Samir Kassir Cultural and Media Freedom Center (SKeyes), Lebanon (Nov. 2007- March 2009)
Researcher and urban planner in post-war reconstruction, volunteer in coordination with the American University of Beirut Reconstruction Unit, residing in South Lebanon (Aug. 2006 - June 2007).
Project-based researcher in Human Rights and development issues, “…for development” Organization, Lebanon (Feb. 2006 – October 2008).
Field research assistant, American University of Beirut and Institute Francais du Proche-Orient in the project ‘mapping the informal settlements of Beirut’ (Feb. 2005 - Feb. 2006).
Field research assistant, Prof. Yasmin Arif / University of New Delhi, in a study related to post- war displacement in Beirut (Sep. - Nov. 2005).

Other Experiences
Communication Officer, Handicap International, Lebanon (Aug. 2004- Dec. 2004).
Correspondent, Arab Decision website, Jordan (Sep. 2002 - Aug. 2003).
Journalist, Assafir Lebanese daily newspaper (the youth subsidiary), Lebanon (Aug. 1998 - June 2001).

Amro Sadeldeen (essay), “We are all refugees”, Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies in Arabic), no. 112 (Autumn 2017): 12- 17.
Amro Sadeldeen (research article), “The Palestinian context for the emergence of the Israel boycott movement BDS”, Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies in Arabic), no. 109 (Winter 2016/2017): 64- 80.
Amro Sadeldeen (research piece), “A discussion about the Palestinian emergence of the BDS movement” (in Arabic), December 2016, the website of the Institute of Palestine Studies (a file on the BDS movement), via
Amro Sadeldeen (article), “Israeli escalation against the BDS movement through the defamation policy” (in Arabic), April 2017, the website of the Institute of Palestine Studies, via
Amro Sadeldeen (article), “The Poem of Mahmoud Darwish in the Consciousness of the Arab Revolutions”, Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies in Arabic), no. 92 (Autumn 2012): 52- 68.
Amro Sadeldeen (article), “Reclaiming Spaces by Protest Movements during Arab Revolutions”, Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies in Arabic), no. 89 (Winter 2012): 126- 142.
Amro Sadeldeen (Book Review), “Ilan Pappe- Out of Frame: The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel”, Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies in Arabic), no. 87 (Summer 2011): 178- 182.

Forthcoming Publications
Amro Sadeldeen (research book), The BDS movement in its diverse pathways. The Institute for Palestine Studies; Beirut (in Arabic; expected in 2018).

Grants and Scholarships
EU Erasmus mundus GEM PhD School - Three years PhD (October 2012- September 2015).
Indirect research project grant by the Arab Council for the Social Sciences on a field work on local governance and displaced Syrians (July 2013).
American University of Beirut - A grant by the AUB Reconstruction Unit on field research and post-war planning in a Lebanese Southern Village (2008).
American University of Beirut - Full Tuition research assistantship (Architecture department) for my MA study in Urban Planning and Policy (2006-2007).

Conferences, Colloquiums & Visiting Research
[forthcoming] Ecole des hautes études en sciences socials/ Paris (Institue d’études de I\islam et des societies du monde musulman IISMM: on a case of everyday resistance in Palestine.
The Institute for Palestine Studies (Ramallah; via skype), a presented paper on “the waves of boycott between the first Initfada and currently: similarities and distinctions” (December 2017).
The Arab Center for Research Studies and Policy (Tunis conference) – Presenting a paper on discussing the BDS movement in its Arab surrounding (4-6 August 2016).
University of Warwick, UK – Visiting researcher at the Political and International Studies department (12 Mar.- 31 Aug. 2015).
Consultative editorial board member for the Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies in Arabic) (Dec. 2012 - present).
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Discussant of Artem Remizov on “International Dimension of Ukraine’s Political Regime”; Erasmus mundus GEM conference, Brussels (6 Feb. 2015).
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Presenting on the example of Gabi Baramki in national and transnational fields, Le Séminaire Monde Arabe Contemporain (21 Nov. 2014).
Institute Francais du Proche-Orient and An-Najah University – Presenting on “the emergence of a globalized Palestinian movement”, Nablus/ Palestine (1 Oct. 2014).
Luiss Guido Carli University – Discussant of Jasmin Hasic on “Involvement of Bosnian Diasporas in Peace Processes”, Erasmus mundus GEM conference, Rome (6 Feb. 2014).
University of Manuba – Co-presenting a paper on field notes from Syria on governance during the revolution, in the GR:EEN -GEM PhD Summer School, Tunis (22 Aug. 2013).
World Social Forum – Co-organizing a panel on voices of local governance in Syrian towns, Tunis (28-30 Mar. 2013).
Luiss Guido Carli University – Presenting on the methodology of researching transnational movements; the Erasmus mundus GEM PhD Conference, Rome (7-9 Feb. 2013).
University of Leuven – Presenting a paper on places in Arab novels and revolution at the Faculty of Art in; Leuven/ Belgium (30 Nov. 2012).
Istanbul Biennale – Presenting a paper in about change and urban spaces in a Palestinian camp in Beirut, Istanbul (Sep. 2010).
The Orient Institute – Presenting a paper in the workshop of Critical Thinking and Social Transformation, Beirut (May 2009).
American University of Beirut – Co-presenting a paper in the City Debates Conference on the post war reconstruction in South Lebanon, Beirut (May 2007).
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA – Presenting on local governance in a Palestinian camp at a symposium on “Critical Issues in Social Movements Research” (25 Mar. 2006).
Goethe Institute – Two weeks visit on the issue of Socially Integrated City, Berlin and Hamburg (Oct. 2005).
Co-organizing a series of lectures in Beirut (2002-2004): The late Egyptian scholar Nassir Hamid Abu Zaid and Tariq Ali among others.
Co-organizing film festivals in Beirut (1999-2002): Freedom films week, the Iranian films week, and women films week.

Arabic (mother language) & English (excellent).

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