Souvenir Business in Palestine

Project description

Souvenir Business in Palestine: Development of 19th Century Craft Trade in Relation to Religious Tourism.


First name Last name Gender Rank Affiliated Institution Country
Maissoun Sharkawi Female Assistant Professor Institute for Palestine Studies Palestine

Bio: Maissoun Sharkawi, associate researcher at IFPO, and assistant professor at Palestine Technical University Khadouri, holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Lorraine- Nancy. Her thesis explores the social, historical and economic environment in which the concept of Palestinian cultural heritage has been formulated throughout the past two centuries. Her research focuses on the material archive that documents the economy of the village in 19th century Palestine. She taught a course on Introducing cultural heritage in the Arab world in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at Aix-Marseille University. Sharkawi holds an MA in Cultural Heritage Studies on Conservation and Development of Cultural Industrial and Economic Heritage form the University of Nantes.



Scientific field


Start Year


End Year


Funding Agency

Funding Agency Funding Agency Type Country of Funding Agency
Arab Council for Social Sciences Private Lebanon

Social impact