The Effect of Brain Compatible Strategies on Problem Solving Performance of Grade 4 and 5 Lebanese Students

Project description

This study investigated the effect of training in Prior Knowledge Activation, Concept Mapping, and Think Aloud, on students’ problem solving performance. The relative effectiveness of the training among high and low achievers was also examined. Participants were 45 students in Grades 4 and 5 in two private schools in Lebanon (25 students experimental group; 20 as control). The experimental group received 3 weeks training, in addition to the regular methods while the control received the regular methods only. Curriculum-based assessments (reading comprehension and math word problem solving) and Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices, were used to measure problem solving performance. ANCOVA results showed a significant difference in experimental and control groups’ posttest scores, in favor of the experimental group. ANOVA results showed that the mean differences between pre and post test scores of low and high achieving students in the experimental group differed significantly only on math word problem solving measure, in favor of the low achievers. Results are discussed and implications and future recommendations are presented


First name Last name Gender Rank Affiliated Institution Country
Karma Hassan Female American University of Beirut Lebanon

Bio: Associate Professor of Educational Psychology Measurement and Evaluation at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and Director of the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (OIRA) at the University. Has extensive experience in teaching, undergraduate and graduate courses, training, and research in area of expertise. Has conducted and supervised research in test development/adaptation, validation, and use. As Director of OIRA, engaged in institutional assessment, development of annual assessment plans, and preparations for accreditation, program, and peer review in higher education. Participated and presented in local, regional, and international conferences on modern assessment, assessment in higher education, criterion of quality, conditions for student success, quality of student life, and language policies. Has published in international and regional journals and books in areas of expertise. A member of local, regional, and international organizations involved with educational research, assessment, and quality, as well as the Basic Education Strategic Planning Committee, the National Task Force for Governance in Higher Education in Lebanon. and the R4R Research Project. As UNESCO Consultant since 2007, has prepared several country and regional reports and conducted assessment studies.

Rola Shukry-Balaa Female American University of Beirut Lebanon

Bio: N/A



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