حضور العلوم الإجتماعية في الفضائيات العربية

وصف المشروع

يشكل هذا البحث محاولة استقصائية لقياس حضور العلوم الإجتماعية في التلفزيونات وتحديدًا الفضائيات العربية. ومن أجل ذلك يقدم مسحًا لحضور العلوم الإجتماعية ويقيّم خصائص وانعكاس هذا الحضور في المنطقة، وخاصة بالنظر الى التحولات الهامة في المجتمعات العربية في الآونة الأخيرة.

الباحثون الرئيسيون

الاسم الأول اسم العائلة الجنس الرتبة المؤسسة الدولة
عُبادة كسر Female الجامعة اللبنانية لبنان

Nationality: Lebanese
Sex: Female
Marital status: single
Address: Beirut/ Afif Altibi Square/ close to Makasid Hospital/ Gardenia building/ 4th floor/ apartment 12
Phone number: 03 73 19 18
Email address:[email protected] or [email protected]

Education And Qualifications
2014: “Media and Digital Literacy Academy” At American University of Beirut. AUB ( Average: Very Good).
2014: “COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE in SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH ( CITI is an online course from California University. Grade: 85).

2014 - Present: PhD candidate in Sociology, Lebanese University .Thesis: “Visual Media and the Reproduction of Sectarianism in Lebanon during conflicts (case of Syrian Crisis)” (Advisor: Professor. Fouad Khalil).

2007- 2008: MA in Sociology, Lebanese University. Thesis: “The Socio-Economic Situation in the Bekaa Area Following the Ban on the Hashish Agriculture.”

2006-2007: Master 1 in Political Sciences, “The Socio-Political Elites in Baalbeck.”

2004-2005 : BA in Sociology, Lebanese University.

2017 - 2016: I have prepared a research paper entitled “Usage of media among youth, measuring the presence of radicalism”. The paper was submitted twice during the Media Literacy Education Academy at Lebanese American University (LAU) (2016 -2017).
2016: I have prepared a research paper entitled “Connectors and Dividers in the society in Baalbeck –Hermel Region”. The paper was submitted during the “Peace Building Strategy in Baalbeck – Hermel ” Conference which was organized by (LOST) The Lebanese Organisation for Studies and Training.
2015: I have prepared a research paper entitled “The presence of social sciences in Arab TV Channels”, as a background paper for “The Report of the Arab Social Sciences”. ( The Arab Center for the Social Sciences)
2015: I have prepared a research paper entitled “Social Sciences in blogs” as a background paper for “The Report of the Arab Social Sciences” ( The Arab Center for the Social Sciences)
2014: Fieldwork Study, “Syrian Refugees and the Job Market in Lebanon,” The Danish Council for Refugees.
2014: Fieldwork study, “Media in War: The Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Syria,” AUB (The American University of Beirut) (Advisor: Professor Jad Melki).
2014: Assistant researcher in MOOC,an online course with AUB and Edraak (with Professor Dina Kiwan among others). MOOC explores Citizenship in the Arab World.
2012- 2013: Assistant Researcher at AUB, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Media Studies. Three projects:
1. Production of Knowledge in the Arab World.
2. Migration Studies in the Arab world.

2012: Executive Director of the International Symposium “The Arab Uprisings: Sociological Perspectives and Geographical Comparisons” (Sociology Department at AUB, and the International Sociological Association).
2012: Center for Arab Unity Studies as:
1. Research Assistant in human and social sciences.
2. Executive Director of Conferences such as: “Revolution and Democratic Transformation in the Arab World“; “The Future of Sociology and Anthropology in the Arab World”; “Amine Al Rihani “; “The Crisis of State in the Arab World”; “Mohamad Abed Al-Jabiri”; “Constitution and Reform in Morocco”; “Where is Syria Going?”; “High Education in the Arab World”.
3. Editor, “Arab Papers” (booklets for new college students).
2012: Member, The International Sociological Association.
2012 – present: Member in the Administrative Council for the LEBANESE ASSOCIATION OF SOCIOLOGY.
2010: News Editor, Future TV.

2009 : News Presenter, Radio Orient.

2006 – 2009 : Columnist, AL-Akhbar Newspaper


Arabic : Excellent (reading, writing, and speaking).
English: Verygood (reading, writing, and speaking).
French: Reading.

Computer skills
Microsoft office

الموقع الالكتروني للمشروع


المجال العلمي

Sociology & Anthropology

تاريخ بدء المشروع(السنة)


تاريخ نهاية المشروع(السنة)


التأثير الاجتماعي

هل تهتم بعرض البحث العلمي خارج الإطار الأكاديمي؟


هل من مؤسسات/منظمات تواصلت معك من اجل مشاركة البحث؟


كيف قمت بعرض بحثك خارج الإطار الأكاديمي والبحثي؟

ما هي العوائق التي واجهتها اثناء محاولتك تحقيق الأثر الاجتماعي لبحثك؟