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يهدف هذا المشروع إلى إنجاز بحث ميداني سيتم من خلاله تتبع وملاحظة ثلاث جمعيات للمجتمع المدني بمدينة مراكش في سياق الأزمة الصحية لكوفيد-19. إن الغاية من هذه الورقة هو محاولة تقديم بعض عناصر الإجابة على ...
Political Science 30 May 2024
Investigator Fouad Mrad
As of 2011, over 5 million Syrians have fled their native land, seeking refuge in different countries. The living and social conditions of these refugees and their host communities have recurrently fe ...
Political Science 8 Apr 2021
The program’s scientific contributions, presented in modes of considerable formal diversity are not all yet available, far from it; three important Ph.D. theses are to be defended in the coming year. ...
Political Science 8 Jul 2018
Investigator Carmen Geha
The Arab region is in crisis and at the heart of this crisis has been the large-scale violence and unprecedented refugee crisis in Syria. Lebanon neighbors Syria and has had a precarious relationship ...
Political Science 27 Jun 2018
Investigator Mohammed AlKhaldi
The Status of Health Research Systems in fragile settings: Palestine Experience Health Research System (HRS) is the bedrock of health systems, to improve the population health and responsiveness an ...
Medicine 3 Mar 2018
Investigator Maha Shuayb
The CLS is researching the quality of education provided to Syrian and Palestinian children and the impact that hosting such large numbers is having on the quality of education for Lebanese children f ...
Education 28 May 2018