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Investigator Faisal Mahbob
Political Science 18 Jan 2023
Investigator Khalil al-Anani
Examining the transformation of Islamist movements in the post-Arab Spring era. The project covers eight countries (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and Kuwait).
Political Science 21 May 2019
Investigator ريان حداد
Readings of Middle East unrest based on the sectarian strife narrative do not provide strong heuristic guidance, as sectarian dynamics need to be politically contextualized, rather than considered as ...
Political Science 14 May 2018
Investigator ريان حداد
This article (published in Orient: German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East) examines how the post-Mosul battle momentum has hastened the decision of Hezbollah and the Leb ...
Political Science 10 May 2018
Investigator Ola Kubbara
In this era of globalization, there is increased pressure on universities to become more international in character. This research is about the internationalization of higher education at the Faculty ...
Political Science 29 Mar 2018